
Child and Maternal Health

In rural villages of Northern Uganda Children die from simple but curable diseases because of lack of access to essential healthcare services.    Many women in rural Africa  giving birth at home without train midwives due to fewer and distant healthcare centres. In some villages it can take a day’s journey on a bicycle to access a health centre. I some case patients reach the health centre to find it closed or run out of medicine.   A small child can catch a life-threatening disease and not able to access quality essential healthcare services.   In addition, without treated mosquito nets children and pregnant mothers could catch malaria and if not treated could die.  In this current situation  COVID-19 has created challenging and devastating impact especially to vulnerable people (such as children and  the expectant & breastfeeding mothers)


Poor Children Donation

Uganda has one of the lowest educational achievement levels in Africa due to widespread poverty and years of disastrous conflict; only 24% of Ugandan young people are enrolled in secondary education (UNICEF, 2016).

Uganda is the third poorest country in the world (per GDP), with millions more slipping into poverty or born into poverty on an annual basis. The Uganda National Household Survey (2016/2017) found that the extreme poverty level rose from 19.7% in 2011 to 27% in 2017 (people living on less than $1.25 a day).  Rural communities bear the disproportionate burden of that poverty, especially in the northern, eastern and more remote regions of the country. Some rural areas outside of Kampala have at least a 60% extreme poverty rate.

Northern Uganda’s people have suffered from 30+ years of civil unrest and conflict which has displaced 1.4 million people and all but destroyed health and education systems. What is more, there are now over one million South Sudanese refugees living in Uganda, mostly in the northern districts. Uganda bears the distinction of having one of the highest refugee populations in the world – it falls in third place behind Lebanon and Pakistan. Most of these refugees are living in resettlement communities with limited access to education, employment, and basic supplies.

Clean Water for LifeChildren

Water Problem in Africa

Clean water is essential for a healthy life and unfortunately, in many remote villages across Africa, access to clean drinking water is extremely hard to find. Your donations will help fund this project allowing us to distribute aqua boxes – providing water filtration units which make water safe for drinking and cooking, as well as drilling boreholes which will provide whole communities and schools with vital access to clean drinking water.